Trusteer Rapport Removal Tutorial - How to Easily Uninstall Trusteer Rapport. How to uninstall Trusteer Rapport on Mac computer? If you encounter problem when trying to delete Trusteer Rapport as well as its associated components, read through this removal tutorial and learn about how to perfectly remove any unwanted applications on your Mac. Choose Apple menu ( ) > About This Mac to get an overview of your Mac, including your Mac model, processor, memory, serial number, and version of macOS.To see the greater detail provided by System Information, click the System Report button.
Click to expand.There is no way then that this application is on your Mac. Could it be that you are seeing a popup or something with an ad for this application? Can you explain more what exactly you are seeing? When you say toolbar, do you mean the Dock at the bottom of your screen that has icons for your applications? Or do you mean the toolbar in the browser?
Can you explain exactly where this Open Console icon is and what it does? Could this be a browser extension you unknowingly installed as part of some Safari extension or other software install? There is no way then that this application is on your Mac. Could it be that you are seeing a popup or something with an ad for this application? Can you explain more what exactly you are seeing? When you say toolbar, do you mean the Dock at the bottom of your screen that has icons for your applications?
Or do you mean the toolbar in the browser? Can you explain exactly where this Open Console icon is and what it does? Could this be a browser extension you unknowingly installed as part of some Safari extension or other software install? Click to expand.Okay. Sounds like you are talking about the menu bar at the very top of the screen with the little Apple in it to the far left? If you did not explicitly install this, it is possible it got installed along with some other app you installed.
Some companies are getting sleazy about including these things along with legit app installs. Just to make sure you have gotten rid of it, install the app then use that to search for the term Rapport and delete any files it finds then reboot.